Terms and Conditions

The terms of services of the Your Space company are agreed upon by the contract concluded between the organization and the client.




The parties to the contract are:

 "Customer": (last name, first name of a natural person)

 "Executive" on behalf of Your Space LLC director Lusine Poghosyan, on whose behalf Araksya Levoni Yengoyan (ID 007615362, 01.03.2016, 022) acts on the basis of the power of attorney signed on 19.07.21.

The subject of the contract

1.1. According to the contract, the Executor undertakes, based on the order of the Client, to provide 1.2 of the Contract. the services mentioned in the clause, and the Client undertakes to pay for these services.

1.2. The contractor undertakes to provide the following services: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ hereinafter referred to as "Services".

1.3 The term of execution of the works and the validity of the Agreement is defined by the agreement of the parties.

1.4. The services provided by the Contractor are accepted by the Client with a frequency of __________________________________________________________days.

2. Rights and Responsibilities of the Parties

2.1 The executor has the right to:

2.1.1. The executor has the right to complete the work before the deadline, having agreed with the Client.

2.1.2. The executor has the right to demand the remuneration specified in the contract in exchange for the performance of the services.

2.2. The executor is obliged to:

2.2.1. Provide services with proper quality.

2.1.2. To provide the services in full volume, 1.3 of this contract. within the period specified in point.

2.3. The customer has the right to:

2.3.1. Request the Customer to provide the Services of the Contract 1.3. within the period specified in point.

2.4. The client is obliged to:

2.4.1 to pay for the provided Services in accordance with the price specified in clause 3 of this contract.

2.4.2. to accept the Services provided by the Contractor with the appropriate frequency defined in Clause 1.4 of the Agreement.

3. Contract payment procedure

3.1. In return for the provision of the Services provided for in the Agreement, the Client pays the Executor the sum of AMD in the specified amount as a fee specified in the Agreement.

3.2. The contractual amount is paid by the Client to the Contractor by means of transfer to the bank account of the Contractor specified in the Contract or in cash.

3.3. Client: 3.1 of the Agreement. The fee specified in clause is paid to the Executor under the following conditions:

o From the moment of signing the contract in ________________________________ period,

o At the time of signing the contract,

     3.4. By mutual agreement of the parties, the Client provides the Contractor with an advance payment in the amount of ___________________________________ AMD. Moreover, the rest of the fee specified in the contract is paid by the Client: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

      4. Liability of Parties

4.1. The parties come to an agreement that, due to the Client's fault, in the event that the Services provided by the Contractor are not accepted with the appropriate frequency, 1.3. of the Agreement. After the expiration of the term of the Agreement defined in point 1, the provided services will not continue, and the frequency may be changed by the agreement of the parties during the validity period of the Agreement.

4.2. In case of non-acceptance of the services provided by the Contractor by the Client, 3.4 of the Agreement. the advance payment paid in clause 1 is not returned by the Contractor to the Client.

4.3. In case of non-acceptance of the Services provided by the Contractor by the Client within 1 /one/ week after the conclusion of the Contract, in case of return of the contract fee paid by the Client to the Contractor, the Client shall pay a penalty to the Contractor in the amount of 10,000 /ten thousand/ AMD.

4.4. In case of non-acceptance of the Services provided by the Contractor by the Client for a period of 1 /one/ week or more from the moment of signing the Contract, in case of return of the fee specified in the Contract, the Client shall pay a penalty to the Contractor in the amount of 60% /sixty/ percent of the paid amount.

5. Dispute resolution procedure

     5.1. Disputes arising in connection with the contract are resolved through negotiations. In case of failure to reach an agreement between the parties, dispute resolution is carried out by court.

6. Final Provisions

6.1 Any changes and additions to the Agreement are valid provided they are made in writing and signed by the Parties or their authorized representatives. Annexes to the Agreement form an integral part thereof.