What will happen to the body after 10 years if you exercise every day?

Some athletes believe that daily training is effective and beneficial because muscle mass grows faster and muscles become stronger. However, professional trainers and doctors believe that exercising every day is undesirable and even dangerous. On the Your Space blog, let's try to find out what changes the human body will undergo after 10 years, if you exercise every day.

Exercising more than four times a week will damage the nervous and skeletal systems. The speed of nerve impulses will decrease, which will lead to a decrease in muscle contraction force. The claim that extremely heavy and frequent training leads to active muscle growth is a myth. Muscles grow after exercise, during rest. And during training, they get tense and require recovery. Therefore, you should exercise wisely and without fanaticism, twice a week. Especially if you are a beginner.

However, some people try to exercise every day in an effort to get in perfect shape. Everyone knows that regular exercise helps to keep the body in good condition, and also has a positive effect on the emotional state, because it allows you to get rid of stress. Brandon Romain, a fitness blogger from the USA, decided to check for himself how the body reacts to daily training.

Brandon decided to exercise every day and closely monitored the changes in his body. The boy trained mainly with a system of high-interval intensive training, the essence of which is to walk and run fast for half an hour. In addition, the blogger visited the gym several times a week and did exercises for the muscles of the abdomen, back and legs. At the same time, he followed a special diet that included 3000 kcal per day: 200+ grams of protein, 200+ grams of carbohydrates, and 50-70+ grams of fat.

At the end of the first week of the experiment, the hero did not notice any serious physical changes. On the nineteenth day, alternating between walking and jogging went much easier. The blogger noted that he became much more durable and significantly increased his running speed. Despite the fact that he tried to gain weight for the whole month, he managed to lose weight.

Russian sports blogger Anastasia Mironova notes that she has been training steadily for about 10 years, following active and passive training. Thanks to the balanced program, he manages to maintain the perfect muscle tone and keep the fat mass at a minimum level. He notes that the important thing in everything is a sense of proportion and entrusting the details to skilled professionals. Therefore, we cannot consider daily trainings to be unequivocally harmful.

The best results of training and a healthy diet can be ensured thanks to skilled specialists who develop a special program based on the characteristics of your own body. Trust Your Space to improve your body and mind. Continue to stay with us and read about the secrets of muscle recovery after training in the blog "How to quickly recover muscles after training?"

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