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Yoga is not just fitness, but a set of physical exercises, breathing techniques, and concentration practices. This is a whole philosophy, an ancient teaching, and for many - a way of life. Yoga develops a person comprehensively - through the body, mind, and emotions, and also helps to achieve harmony in the physical and psychological state. Systematic exercises have a beneficial effect on all organs and systems, and allow you to achieve peace of mind.

One of the main reasons why yoga is beneficial lies in the peculiarities of the human body. - asymmetric breathing. Scientists have proven that every 2.5 hours, breathing switches from one nostril to another. In hatha yoga, which has become the most popular direction of yoga, attention is paid to this feature. For this, breathing practices with asymmetric breathing are used: the left nostril to give tone and vigor, and then the right, on the contrary, to relax.

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